dpk431 #001: Page Two
The Spear of Longinus. The Holy Lance. The Spear of Destiny (left and lovingly acquired from Trip Advisor of all places).
As in, The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft. As in the inspiration for Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Trevor Ravenscroft = Abner Ravenwood.
Page Two Notes:
- TRENCH COAT. Where to begin? How about John Constantine. Expand to The Trenchcoat Brigade and the Trenchcoat Detective Agency. And finish up with a bumbling inspector, Priyanka Chopra in a slightly over long trench coat, and a mysterious super model rocking Louboutins.
- THE SKULL OF THE LOCH NESS MONSTER. I’m not sure one could find a better reference for Nessie, but being a lifelong fan of the cryptid, I’d like to see the skull and neck bones posed like that of the ‘Surgeon’s Photo‘ from 1934.
- A STUFFED BIGFOOT in classic pose. Everyone, including Rihanna, should be familiar with the classic Bigfoot pose. And now, like the Zapruder film, an animated GIF has stabilized the famous Patterson-Gimlin footage.
- This collection of books is meant to be a little bit more modern than the previous stack. THE BLACK ARTS by Richard Cavendish (1967), A WITCHES BIBLE COMPLEAT (1981), A TREASURY OF WITCHCRAFT by Harry Wedeck (1961), THE TAROT OF THE BOHEMIANS by Papus (1892), and, of course, MYSTIC PLACES by Time-Life Books (1990).
- That said, let’s talk the THE ROMANCE OF SORCERY by Sax Rohmer (1914). Sax Rohmer is best known as the author of the Fu Manchu books. But he was also a practicing occultist, a member of the Golden Dawn, and the author of a single work of non-fiction, this book. Pretty cool, right? But not as cool as what might be the greatest movie trailer ever. Okay, second only to Italian Spider-Man.
- Photograph of A MAFIA DON petting a cat. Do I really need to provide more detail than this? Fine. If you insist, one more. A presto!